Samantha, Age 18

Samantha enjoys looking at photographs and likes dolphins. She enjoys music and sensory toys. She enjoys doing activities and keeping busy. Samantha enjoys one-on-one time and a reassuring touch.

Samantha needs a nurturing and attentive family. She needs a family that is patient and soft-spoken. Samantha would need supervision and education on how to interact with pets appropriately.

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about Samantha and the adoption process by contacting NOAS’ Intake Specialist at 800-686-6627 ext. 126 or email us at

Become A Mentor To A Local Foster Youth

Ordinary things like forming safe and lasting relationships, problem-solving, goal setting, applying for college, and setting boundaries can be a great challenge for foster youth.

A caring and well-trained mentor can inspire and guide a foster youth ages 12-17, or a former foster youth ages 18-21, to pursue a productive future and reach his or her full potential. Mentor One Who Needs Someone.

Call the Ignite Mentor Coordinator at 330-980-4505.


18 years old

18 years

female, girl, teen, child, teen girl

white, caucasian