Wyatt, Age 8

Wyatt is a delightful and affectionate young boy who is able to bond with those close to him. He exudes a natural curiosity and is adept at entertaining himself. His interests range from arranging his animal toys to enjoying games on his tablet. Wyatt’s active nature is evident in his love for outdoor play, where he thrives on running, jumping, and engaging with activities like his water table and kinetic sand.

Despite being nonverbal, Wyatt is eager to communicate and is making strides in expressing himself through sounds and attempts at speech. His openness to new experiences extends to his growing interest in trying different foods. Wyatt’s independence and energetic spirit shine through, whether he’s absorbed in play or interacting with those around him.

Wyatt’s ideal family would be characterized by patience and a commitment to ongoing support. They would understand the importance of consistency and structure in Wyatt’s life, recognizing that he thrives in environments with clear routines. This family would be dedicated to nurturing Wyatt’s growth and development, actively engaging with him, and providing the necessary guidance and encouragement. Above all, they would cherish Wyatt for who he is and be committed to helping him reach his fullest potential every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step?

Learn more about Wyatt and the adoption process by contacting NOAS’ Intake Specialist at 800-686-6627 ext. 126 or email us at [email protected]


8 years old

8 years

male, boy, teen, child, teen male

white, caucasian, bi-racial, african american, black